Kristian Segerstrale

Kristian Segerstrale

Super Evil Megacorp

Roundtable Leader


Running Out of Cheat Codes - Trends That Worked (And Some That Didn’t) to Succeed in Today's Changing Market

In this roundtable, Super Evil Megacorp's Kristian Segerstrale will lead a conversation discussing the successful (and not-so-successful) business strategies around platform choices and business models. Questions include the role of mobile in a cross-platform strategy, approaches to free-to-play and associated distribution challenges, the direction of travel on subscription business models and "transmedia". This roundtable will also talk about successes and failures in these areas and collectively guess what's next.


Kristian is the CEO of Super Evil Megacorp. Kristian's twin obsessions are figuring out the future of play and crafting highly talented teams and cultures to work toward that future. Before Super Evil Megacorp, Kristian was among other things CEO at Playfish, EVP at EA, co-founder at Glu Mobile and Board Member of Supercell. In his spare time Kristian plays music, invests in and advises other game companies, and tries to figure out how to mitigate existential risk for humanity.