The Art of the Sequel - Remedy Entertainment’s 13-Year Journey
Arne Meyer (Naughty Dog) hosts a fireside chat with renowned game creator Sam Lake (Remedy Entertainment) about the 13-year journey to create the upcoming psychological thriller, Alan Wake 2 and the evolution the studio has seen working on one single game at a time to multiple games simultaneously. Alan Wake 2 was developed during Remedy’s biggest transformation in its 28-year history of making video games and developed a number of concepts and designs that eluded the ultimate goal of a true sequel. Concurrently, the studio rapidly grew and changed over the years, trying to always look forward and adapt its internal culture to meet the needs of this expansion. Learn how Remedy evolved with the industry at large and persevered through changes in player expectations and team building as well as keeping its core studio identity intact - takeaways that are important for any industry leader for both up-and-coming and established companies alike.
A well-known personality and a true veteran of the video game industry for more than 20 years, Sam Lake is known for writing the Max Payne franchise, which launched in 2001. Sam also led the writing on the critically acclaimed Alan Wake series and Quantum Break. Sam is the Creative Director of Remedy Entertainment and is responsible for the overall story of Control. He is the Lead Writer and the Creative Director of Alan Wake 2.