Dino Patti

Dino Patti

CEO & Founder


Website: https://www.coherence.io/

With 19 years of professional experience in the games industry Dino Patti and 22 years in tech, has made a name for himself. Most notably he is known for his role in co-founding, scaling and running Playdead for almost 10 years while they developed and published the multi award winning titles LIMBO and INSIDE. 

Dino has had an advising role in several game and game related companies including the GDC Europe Advisory Board. In 2017 Dino founded JUMPSHIP with Chris Olsen, where the promising title “Somerville” is brought to life and in 2019 he launched coherence – an open, accessible and lightning-fast multiplayer platform for building scalable and persistent connecting worlds ie. everything needed to power there metaverse. 

Exploring Metaverse's Potential 

Join expert panelists, Sébastien Borget (The Sandbox), Laura Higgins (Roblox), and Dino Patti (coherence), as they discuss and ruminate on the promises and challenges of the metaverse from their unique perspectives and experiences in this engaging panel moderated by Ivan Fernandez Lobo (DeviCat).